The Important of Web Design

The web design of your web site may seem unimportant compared to functionality or marketing, but the web design of your web site is debatable the most important part of your online business. The web design you choose to use, will not only attract a certain type of people, but also repel another. When making your web design there are three main things to keep in mind, the navigability of your web design, the look of your web design, and the overall cleanliness of your web design.

The navigability of your web design is a very important factor as to weather your web design will turn your potential customer into a customer, or a potential customer into somebody else’s customer. If your web design is confusing and your navigation links are hard to find, or misplaced, your web design will leave your viewers frustrated and lost. The most basic structure for web design layouts is using one column usually on the left hand side of the web design, with a main section to the right and header navigation at the top. The side column of your web design should have the links to your main page usually with the links to the most important pages of your web design at the top. The header navigation of your web design should contain your main logo followed underneath by the main links of your web design underneath; links should be sorted of importance, from left to right. Then the main section of your web design can contain all of the content for your web site.

The look of your web design is very important to your customers as ugly or unprofessional colors can make people think your company is amateurish, as your web design look is seen as a direct reflection of your company. Using bright friendly soft colors in your web design among other things your potential customers will see your company as professional and friendly. The same goes for the overall cleanliness of your web design. When your web design is cluttered and messy your potential customers will feel confused and leave.

As you can see web design is more then just the colors and graphics, a good web design can bring you customers and keep them coming back, while a bad web design can mean bad business for your company.

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